Easter Sunday this year is March 31st! Please invite your friends!
Watch us live on Facebook!
Don’t forget, you can watch our services live online on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/voiceofpraise/
Update: Doing life together during this time.
Join us on Facebook Live at 10:45 am Sunday, March 22, 2020, as Pastor NR brings the Word.
Please see the graphic below, or visit this link, for more schedule information.

Midweek Service Canceled
Wednesday Service Canceled – Feb. 26, 2020
Due to the passing of our sweet sister, Frances Whitt, and an emergency in the pastor’s family; there will be no midweek gathering at VOPWC this evening.
Please take time to pray for all those in need and for revival!
Jan. 13, 2019 Service Cancelled

Due to the icy conditions and little or no warming during the day, we will be canceling all activities today!
Take some time today to study, pray and worship in your homes. – Jan. 13, 2019
Take some time today to study, pray and worship in your homes. – Jan. 13, 2019
Student Prayer Vigil In Memory Of Courtney Conley
Student Prayer Vigil In Memory Of Courtney Conley
Tonight (Sunday Aug. 12 2018) @ 6pm
At Voice of Praise Worship Center
9952 New Hope Rd. Bluewell, WV

Tonight’s Service Canceled – 01/17/18
January 17, 2018 – Due to the already icy conditions of the parking lot, and the extreme low temperatures forecast later today, this week’s “Midweek Recharge” has been canceled. You are urged to spend some devotional time with your families in the comfort of your home this evening.

Un-decorating Party!
Join us Wednesday, Jan. 3 at 6pm for soup and sandwiches. Following that, we will “un-decorate” the building.

Reminder: No Service Tonight

May your evening be one of rest!
Just a reminder that lifegroups resume at 9:45 followed by worship service at 10:30 this coming Sunday morning!
Just a reminder that lifegroups resume at 9:45 followed by worship service at 10:30 this coming Sunday morning!
Fall Revival – Evangelist Beth Stephens-Johnson
Fall Revival with Evangelist Beth Stephens-Johnson – November 5th & 6th
Service Times
Sunday November 5 at 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM
Sunday November 5 at 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM
Monday November 6 at 7:00 PM
Pastor Appreciation Day/Dinner
Sunday, October 22 at 10:30 AM – 2 PM
We invite you to join us as we
Celebrate & Honor Pastor N. R. Taylor, Jr. and his wife Sarah.
Immediately following the morning service in the fellowship hall. Please bring a couple of covered dishes to serve 10-12 people. The church will provide plates, utensils, and drinks. Come and bring a friend for a great time of good food and fellowship as we thank God for blessing our church family with Pastor N.R. and Sarah.
Celebrate & Honor Pastor N. R. Taylor, Jr. and his wife Sarah.
Immediately following the morning service in the fellowship hall. Please bring a couple of covered dishes to serve 10-12 people. The church will provide plates, utensils, and drinks. Come and bring a friend for a great time of good food and fellowship as we thank God for blessing our church family with Pastor N.R. and Sarah.
Cards and gifts are welcome!

Equip – Day of Training
Equip – Day of Training
Saturday, September 30, from 9am-4pm.
At the Appalachian Conference Training Center in Dublin VA. Pastor N. R. would like encourage any and all VOPWCers to attend, especially those of our leadership team. Please see Pastor N.R. or Vickie Morris to get registered.

Schedule & Application:
Thanks for your help!
Many thanks to all of those who helped out in anyway and attended our Family Fun Day! Without you, none of this would have been possible. We’re looking forward to the 4th annual Family Fun Day!

Family Fun Day 2017
Family Fun Day is Sunday, September 17, 2017! Invite everyone! More information here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1430435880326587/

Shop Amazon & Help VOPWC!

Do you shop on Amazon? Shop using Amazon’s Smile and help VOP! Just use the link below or use “smile.amazon.com”. You can still use your prime account too! Spread the word!
You’re invited to Life Groups!
Every Sunday at 9:45am, we offer Life Groups. Come and enjoy fellowship and Jesus centered instruction in a laid back, informal setting.
For more information on our current Life Groups, visit our Facebook page:

Welcome to our message center!
Use this section of your mobile app to check out current and archived messages and events from Voice of Praise Worship Center!