The Right Place & The Right Time

Just Getting Started

Whose House Are You Working On?

Brother N.R. Taylor

Listen as Brother N.R. Taylor bring the word at Voice of Praise Worship Center.
Alter music by Voice of Praise: Praise Team

Brother Dwayne Addison

Recorded live October 19, 2014 at Voice of Praise Worship Center
Music by Whitney Browning

“Getting Vocal” recorded live Dec. 11, 2013 – Destiny, Purpose, Heart’s Desire, and Hiccups!?

“Getting Vocal” recorded live Dec. 11, 2013 – Destiny, Purpose, Heart’s Desire, and Hiccups!?


“Getting Vocal!” July 31, 2013 – Careers! How do I get there? How did I get there? Johnathan debuts!

“Getting Vocal!” July 31, 2013 – Careers!  How do I get there?  How did I get there?  Johnathan debuts!


“Getting Vocal” – Walking in Your Calling, aired live July 24, 2013 (but Dave thinks it’s the 17th)

“Getting Vocal” – Walking in Your Calling, aired live July 24, 2013 (but Dave thinks it’s the 17th)