Posted on Feb 7, 2017 in podcast | Tags: church, death, fix, god, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Jesus, joy, live, lose, love, pastor, peace, sermon, situation, turn
Posted on Feb 7, 2017 in podcast | Tags: church, god, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Jesus, joy, live, love, pastor, peace, podcast, sermon, show, talk, teenager, teenagers, teens

Dr. Kelly Blanton joins us as we talk about Judges, El Paso, Mexico, and whatever else.
Posted on May 17, 2016 in podcast | Tags: church, god, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Jesus, joy, live, love, pastor, peace, podcat, purpose, radio, sermon, show, talk, talk show, teenager, teenagers
Recorded live May 13, 2016 on Extreme Voice Radio
Posted on Nov 24, 2014 in podcast | Tags: god, Jesus, live, love, pastor, phone, streaming media, talk show
The crew discusses the youth group’s activities, and a whole lot of random things.