Posted on Jul 6, 2018 in podcast | Tags: abondon, abondoned, abondoning, church, fill, filled, god, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Jesus, joy, love, pastor, peace, pot, sermon, water
Posted on Aug 7, 2017 in podcast | Tags: alter, baptise, baptism, church, god, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Jesus, joshua, joy, love, milestone, pastor, peace, rocks, sermon, shrine, stack, stacking, victory, water
Posted on Jun 7, 2017 in podcast | Tags: church, desert, dry, fill, filled, give, god, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, impact, Jesus, joy, love, pastor, peace, Pentecost, rain, raindrops, sermon, spread, sunday, water
Posted on Mar 20, 2017 in podcast | Tags: across, bridge, church, cross, crossing, god, help, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Jesus, joy, love, over, pastor, peace, sermon, trouble, troubled, water
Posted on Feb 25, 2014 in podcast | Tags: biofilter, Jesus, love, thirsty, water
“Getting Vocal” recorded live Feb. 19, 2014 – Water! Marissa debuts! Elaine rolls her tongue, going without clean water, and how to help fix it.